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Gah, it is a shame no one replied to it. I really liked that last picture! The giant Tails one too :)
by Artie
02 Jun 2006, 21:11
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Tempy's Work...
Replies: 233
Views: 34774

*grins* I see you took some inspiration from a certain sketch. ;) Nice short story!
by Artie
09 May 2006, 12:58
Forum: MacroSonic Stories
Topic: When Worlds Collide
Replies: 4
Views: 705

I have problems downstairs :(

XD lol, just kidding. I couldn't resist when I saw the topic title.
by Artie
23 Apr 2006, 19:21
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Ever have problems upstairs?
Replies: 13
Views: 1212

Nice work Link! My only complaint is that they're not big enough ;) Hehe...
by Artie
25 Mar 2006, 20:16
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Sonic Riders size mods
Replies: 3
Views: 1121

Second Life

I've been playing around on Second Life recently, and while hanging out with a couple new friends last night, got some great snapshots. :)
by Artie
20 Jan 2006, 23:53
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Second Life
Replies: 0
Views: 578

I've given alot of thought as to how long the pole should run and I have some good reasons for running it for only one day, however since this site was down for a few hours thismorning I will run it for one more day. :( The majority of the users probably aren't going to able to vote, I imagine then...
by Artie
28 Dec 2005, 17:40
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Sonic Art Contest
Replies: 22
Views: 3144

1) New thread? Yes. 2) Poles will close at the end of Dec. 28th 3) Voting for your own image is silly and not allowed. Woah, woah. I'd like to suggest you do this a little differently. 1) New thread for the poll, good idea. I recommend linking to each image on the poll so people can be reminded wha...
by Artie
28 Dec 2005, 04:05
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Sonic Art Contest
Replies: 22
Views: 3144

I have a question! Just how is the winner of this contest going to be determined? Are you going to select the winner yourself, Stretch? Or are the forum members going to vote on the entry they think should win? (In a seperate poll topic) It's going to be a tough choice, I like all the entries so far...
by Artie
25 Dec 2005, 22:35
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Sonic Art Contest
Replies: 22
Views: 3144

JodaGee, you magnificent bastard. You're too good to us! :) What a wonderful holiday gift for the forum! It looks like if Amy doesn't find that city soon, no one probably ever will again! She seems to be in the process of wiping it off the map without realizing it :) Merry Christmas to everyone who ...
by Artie
25 Dec 2005, 22:34
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Merry Christmas to all members
Replies: 9
Views: 1179

Woo! New pics from JodaGee! Sorry I'm a couple days late posting on these, I've been lazy :) As usual I love both of these! That is one scary halloween picture :shock: Hope you manage to find more free time soon. Sounds like you'll be really busy through the rest of the year though, being the holida...
by Artie
12 Nov 2005, 19:57
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Art Stuff :D
Replies: 78
Views: 24402

You've been posting a lot of great stuff, slade. It's a shame it hasn't been getting more comments! Too many lurkers here, I say. Don't they know if they speak up, it gives an artist more motivation to draw more? :) I for one hope you keep 'em coming! Glad I was able to give you a couple ideas when ...
by Artie
12 Nov 2005, 19:48
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Guardianslades Macro work- new comic! 1-29-06!
Replies: 56
Views: 9746

I must admit, Dulcy never looked so hot! :) Or so big, either! It's certainly a great new look for her. And fun to see myself in the picture as well! I noticed this is your first post here. Welcome to the forum! Hope you stick around and enjoy yourself. This place could use more activity. And more l...
by Artie
12 Nov 2005, 19:44
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Dulcy and Artie
Replies: 12
Views: 1866

Ron Prower wrote:It's been a couple months now, is this story going to get finished or left incomplete?

I believe that was supposed to be the ending. :)
by Artie
31 Oct 2005, 04:19
Forum: MacroSonic Stories
Topic: Story for Artie, the series
Replies: 30
Views: 3814

Welcome to the community! Nice pictures you've brought along. :)
by Artie
27 Oct 2005, 02:39
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Rob's stuff
Replies: 91
Views: 9463


Should we have an actual chat place set up somewhere for the subject of macrosonic things? Does anyone think it'd be worth it, and actually come to it? Where might be a good place for such a thing? IRC perhaps? Just throwing the idea of a chat room out there and seeing if it might be something peopl...
by Artie
27 Oct 2005, 02:30
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Chat?
Replies: 3
Views: 149

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