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Grim's alive, i've spoken to him a few times recently, he's just been busy with real life deals to be doodling, but i'll have a talk with him, mabye he'll do something for our community =)
by BigCee
26 Jul 2006, 16:26
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: anyone got any good Tikal ?
Replies: 28
Views: 2995

Looks like you found one of my early coloring jobs, that second Tikal picture was done by a girl i've known for a while on MSN, she allowed me to color that, looking back at that i know SA shade isn't really my thing.

Don't you agree?
by BigCee
25 Jul 2006, 05:58
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: anyone got any good Tikal ?
Replies: 28
Views: 2995

Do it T.C, you know you want to! :D
by BigCee
24 Jul 2006, 16:10
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: anyone got any good Tikal ?
Replies: 28
Views: 2995

Joda, i must admit brother, you've been really hard at work with these sketches. I wanna thank you for everything you've done for everyone in our little (no pun intended) community, you really know how to get this place alive! So again, keep up your hard work with these sketches, like i said before,...
by BigCee
19 Jun 2006, 19:34
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Request thing-a-ma-jig Thread topic :D
Replies: 188
Views: 54735

I know you've got a lot of requests lined up there bro so i won't expect you to do this but i'll leave you the thought anyway. Basically, if it involves these few things it'd be perfect :) Rouge squishing either Knuckles or Sonic, whichever's easiest for you, also no boots on Rouge of course =) Anyw...
by BigCee
04 Jun 2006, 17:24
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Request thing-a-ma-jig Thread topic :D
Replies: 188
Views: 54735

Well mate, i myself arn't one for macro guys but i'll say that's a damn good pic, love the perspective you've put on it :) He actually looks big instead of the buildings looking small like how he's crammed in between two buildings. Keep at it :) you're definatly picking up new styles and they're loo...
by BigCee
25 May 2006, 02:31
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Tempy's Work...
Replies: 233
Views: 34774

So, has the polls now closed? what's the situation now with the contest?
by BigCee
21 May 2006, 20:31
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: art contest 3 vote
Replies: 12
Views: 1181

This is my contribution to the contest, now i myself didn't draw this, a close friend drew this for me out of kindness, now i've got permission from her to enter this into the contest.

Fits into the Girls at Large catergory in my opinion =D
by BigCee
05 May 2006, 23:54
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Art contest 3
Replies: 70
Views: 6293

Heheh ^_^;;; yeah, Yahoo's sorta not been good to me lately with the ammount of spam i've had in my offline messages lately, i've sorta not been on it for a while, i DO log onto Yahoo but not as often as i'm on MSN bro.

I'll be on Yahoo later tonight (UK time of course) if ya wanna chat :)
by BigCee
13 Apr 2006, 16:05
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Sonic in GMod!
Replies: 5
Views: 1271

You'll have my support all the way, looking forward to seeing some more drawings from you :)
by BigCee
12 Apr 2006, 21:48
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: LOL i forgot about this place nya ^_^
Replies: 9
Views: 1632

Sonic in GMod!

These screenshots are of some new Sonic ragdoll models i've been testing for a guy on Facepunch Studio's (A Garry's Mod forum, probably one of the best), now they're still pretty buggy being in beta but they do work and the body parts are fully moveable if you're very careful. Using these Sonic ragd...
by BigCee
12 Apr 2006, 13:05
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Sonic in GMod!
Replies: 5
Views: 1271

You know, BOTH of them pictures are VERY impressive, you've definatly got a very good skill in drawing Cream, i reckon you'd have no trouble at all doing any character ^___^ i for one am happy to have you a part of our community =)
by BigCee
12 Apr 2006, 12:11
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: LOL i forgot about this place nya ^_^
Replies: 9
Views: 1632

Yeaaa, i've been around bro, i'm always checking back here every day to see what you guys are up to ^^ World of Warcraft STILL sorta has me bound to my PC heheheh but yeah i'm always around :) i still come onto Yahoo which i can't say i've seen you around much, judging from you're latest picture, yo...
by BigCee
30 Mar 2006, 20:53
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Art contest 3
Replies: 70
Views: 6293

I actually see some competition brewing into this contest, some fine pictures coming up here which is awesome to see :) It's good to see a contest bringing out the skill in macro artists :) I and a friend might have something to enter as well which i'll keep you all updated on.
by BigCee
29 Mar 2006, 21:31
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Art contest 3
Replies: 70
Views: 6293

Yup, that one's one i did a while ago when i was trying to get back into the swing of things with Photoshop, i need to really try and get more pics done with all permission of course ^^, i apreciate linking the pic Botman :)
by BigCee
23 Feb 2006, 11:35
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Art Stuff :D
Replies: 78
Views: 24402

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