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I'm liking it.
by Wario Roo
21 May 2007, 15:09
Forum: MacroSonic Stories
Topic: Sonic in Space
Replies: 10
Views: 580

god your good
by Wario Roo
01 Dec 2006, 23:25
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Rinn-kun's Art
Replies: 339
Views: 49863

You sir, have talent!!
by Wario Roo
14 Nov 2006, 12:34
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Rinn-kun's Art
Replies: 339
Views: 49863

My personal fav was sonic and the beanstock
by Wario Roo
20 Oct 2006, 03:26
Forum: MacroSonic Stories
Topic: Twisted Tales of Mobius
Replies: 12
Views: 940

1. Caree of Evil
2. Hot Rails to Hell
3. Fire of Unknown Origin
4. Solo Suriver
5. After Dark
6. Don't turn your Back
7. The Reaper
8. E.T.I
9. The Revenge Of Vera Gemini

I think that these are them. But what is BOC
by Wario Roo
07 Jul 2006, 14:07
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Sally - Godzilla's Who
Replies: 12
Views: 2642

true, true...
by Wario Roo
24 Jun 2006, 18:09
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Ideas and Inspirations and Requests
Replies: 26
Views: 2645

damn. nevered noticed. but maybe, like me, they want to share but are to busy, have to slow a connection, or feel that there work can't measure up to the stuff on this site.
by Wario Roo
24 Jun 2006, 15:12
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Ideas and Inspirations and Requests
Replies: 26
Views: 2645

now I know why I can't stand not being able to see the artwork here. GAWD that rocks!!
by Wario Roo
23 Jun 2006, 23:44
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Request thing-a-ma-jig Thread topic :D
Replies: 188
Views: 54735

Atleast you can see the shrunken versions. I can't see any of the pics on this site!! OLD OR NEW!!'s quite depressing......TT_TT
by Wario Roo
22 Jun 2006, 22:36
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Request thing-a-ma-jig Thread topic :D
Replies: 188
Views: 54735

by Wario Roo
18 Jun 2006, 02:58
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Ideas and Inspirations and Requests
Replies: 26
Views: 2645

that sound like a really good idea
by Wario Roo
16 Jun 2006, 20:49
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Ideas and Inspirations and Requests
Replies: 26
Views: 2645

I can't see any pics anymore!!! Help!!!

Sorry to bother you guys but I can't apreciate the art because I can't see them anymore. What's up with that?
by Wario Roo
16 Jun 2006, 20:42
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Request thing-a-ma-jig Thread topic :D
Replies: 188
Views: 54735

:shock: so much to chose from.....
by Wario Roo
11 Jun 2006, 21:04
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Ideas and Inspirations and Requests
Replies: 26
Views: 2645

I must agree. Personaly I prefure the Average-Giantess, Gargantua, and Colossess. aslong as they can interact with a non-macro, or atleast make a good show with a building I would be happy.
by Wario Roo
04 Jun 2006, 19:20
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Ideas and Inspirations and Requests
Replies: 26
Views: 2645

My GOD that was a long list. looks like you and me like the same devArt users
Can't believe I can't find mine in there.
*shameless advertisement, you can trow rocks at me when I'm done*
*okay, done*
by Wario Roo
04 Jun 2006, 19:06
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Links that inspire me
Replies: 15
Views: 5759

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