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Re: Good news about the forum's future

You're obviously very welcome. And first of all a Merry Christmas. While it is clear I haven't been around much - I was mostly drifting into the anime Giantess Community and SEGA admittedly disappointed me with the direction they have taken Sonix, obviously the forum still has a very high sentimenta...
by Link
25 Dec 2021, 00:45
Global announcement: Good news about the forum's future
Replies: 5
Views: 735

Re: rghnty's Art, I Guess.

I have an actual VR headset (a Valve Index) for my computer and using the app Whirligig it is possible to watch the picture in there - which is pretty cool. Basically I had to stitch both the left and right eye version into one picture and set the app to Barrel view with Depth enabled using a Top Bo...
by Link
21 Sep 2020, 19:56
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: rghnty's Art, I Guess.
Replies: 28
Views: 1744

Re: SA2B Advanced Size-Changer Problems (US-NTSC)

Phew.. tricky.. the code was made by me I know but someone else ported it for me as I only have EU versions.
Can't really help you there I guess.
by Link
30 Dec 2014, 21:26
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: SA2B Advanced Size-Changer Problems (US-NTSC)
Replies: 3
Views: 220

Re: 30 Creams for 30 Years

Happy birthday Sam.. well, admittedly, I'm not too happy with this, I tried something else.. but yeah.. let's imagine this is you ^^ (Best way to read should be: click the first.. and then use the arrow keys to advance) [gallery preview=19884 full=19881 width=415:ozj44rts]1. Found yourself [gallery ...
by Link
16 Nov 2014, 10:08
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: 30 Creams for 30 Years
Replies: 10
Views: 1230

Re: Is there a limit to posting art?

Please retry (again).. I've reset the gallery cache, its permission data and the folder structure.
by Link
17 Oct 2014, 04:45
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Is there a limit to posting art?
Replies: 12
Views: 89

Re: Is there a limit to posting art?

Okay, I tested with the most recent Firefox and AdBlock Plus. Well, in fact one upload way (the upload applet) was broken. "Upload from Web Browser" has a little bug as it claims "Successfully added 0 files" but it does upload the file. "From webpage" works. "Bulk ...
by Link
16 Oct 2014, 17:45
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Is there a limit to posting art?
Replies: 12
Views: 89

Re: Is there a limit to posting art?

Can you please tell me the exact steps you try to do to post a picture. For me it just works, I quick tested using a user account, I tested using my admin account. There are no limits implied on server side. All I can do is restart the server for you - which I did by now. If it still doesn't work. P...
by Link
16 Oct 2014, 06:30
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Is there a limit to posting art?
Replies: 12
Views: 89

Re: Propose more custom fields :)

You're not the only one to wish this feature. Sadly that's beyond the scope of what phpBB offers. What you can do though: You can check out everything you're interested and on the front page you'll see a link saying Mark forums read . Clicking that and everything wi...
by Link
28 May 2014, 14:17
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Propose more custom fields :)
Replies: 31
Views: 234

Re: Trayx's Macro Girls Drawings 5.21.2014

awesome work as usual from your side :)
by Link
22 May 2014, 20:36
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Trayx's Macro Girls Drawings 12.15.2015
Replies: 245
Views: 24056

Re: The Invaded Planet Revival - Discussion Topic

Okay, as a moderator action.. I removed all of Shinobi's posts from the RP and I edited the ( ) posts. Botman contacted me sorry for not noticing earlier. I try to keep up with things but life kept me really busy. Anyway.. I will let this go with a warning. Simply: okay, you're new unexperienced and...
by Link
20 May 2014, 07:09
Forum: Comment/Application/RP Discussion threads
Topic: The Invaded Planet Revival - Discussion Topic
Replies: 136
Views: 681

Re: Happy Birthday Link

That's good to know . . . . . . maybe I don't exist . . . You do, very much so.. I just really don't know how to properly react anymore, sorry! You don't need to do anything for me, nobody does. I really hope you get over your depression some day, I really do but I don't know how to help anymore an...
by Link
05 May 2014, 20:37
Forum: Happy Birthday Wishes
Topic: Happy Birthday Link
Replies: 4
Views: 30

Re: Happy Birthday Link

Sonicgirl wrote:Well, what have you had tasty today then? o-o

I had a wonderful Thai lunch (loves spicy Asian food with a passion).
by Link
05 May 2014, 15:58
Forum: Happy Birthday Wishes
Topic: Happy Birthday Link
Replies: 4
Views: 30

Re: Happy Birthday Link

It's a good one ^^ for cake: no cake today but yesterday I had strawberry cake (was meeting a few friends on a con).
by Link
05 May 2014, 14:42
Forum: Happy Birthday Wishes
Topic: Happy Birthday Link
Replies: 4
Views: 30

Re: Useless post

Thanks for the early wishes already.

I'm very happy to read that... I will be just fair: While without me probably parts of this page wouldn't exist.. it's Artie who originally launched it, I took it over - so without him you wouldn't see any of this either ^^! Still a big major thank you!
by Link
05 May 2014, 04:36
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Useless post
Replies: 1
Views: 60

Re: Are we able to upload videos here?

Sonicgirl wrote:Sorry for the double post, but I've got to ask. If I upload to Youtube unlisted, and share the link with anyone, will my username be seen?

Yes, it will, in worst case: create a new google account with a random e-mail address and use it just for that - with a fake name.
by Link
05 Apr 2014, 19:39
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Are we able to upload videos here?
Replies: 11
Views: 86

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