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Re: Comment on The Enchanted Cat

I head off after one post and whooo I missed a lot. @_@
by DanTails
28 Mar 2010, 23:12
Forum: Comment/Application/RP Discussion threads
Topic: Comment on The Enchanted Cat
Replies: 60
Views: 319

Re: Let's start roleplaying! The enchanted cat!

A big yaaaawwwwnnn is heard as Amy barely makes it out of her cabin. She was still in sleep mode, hunched over, eyes half open, her lithe body wearing redngreeen flannal PJs, as she mumbles lightly. "wutdaheckwasthat...." She was able to catch Sally before she left (Or didn't! If so, igno...
by DanTails
27 Mar 2010, 05:39
Forum: MacroSonic RP
Topic: Let's start roleplaying! The enchanted cat!
Replies: 180
Views: 928

Re: Let's start roleplaying! The enchanted cat!

Hm. I'll try to hop in as Amy in this one. See how it works out. Hopefully it'll go well.
by DanTails
20 Mar 2010, 22:52
Forum: MacroSonic RP
Topic: Let's start roleplaying! The enchanted cat!
Replies: 180
Views: 928

Re: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 1/27/09

trayx wrote:Here a little update on what I'm working on. I'm hoping I will be able to rig this to poser soon. But its really not easy.

That's actually pretty nice! Pretty on model, and you don't see much Amy in her alternate outfits, too.

Although holy crap those are huge bangs.
by DanTails
14 Feb 2010, 20:27
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 12.3.13
Replies: 203
Views: 14132

Re: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 1/27/09

For being loli or being bad?

If it's Loli, well, our admin Artie fricken posted a pic of a tiny him climbing into a big Cream's nethers. That's not exactly an issue.

If it sucks, eh.. well, there's a sprite topic right below this one. Can't be worse then that.
by DanTails
13 Feb 2010, 03:14
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 12.3.13
Replies: 203
Views: 14132

Re: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 1/27/09

Yeah, I think that's supposed to be Marine.
by DanTails
10 Feb 2010, 00:39
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 12.3.13
Replies: 203
Views: 14132

Re: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 1/15/09

Okay, I was a bit skeptical of this stuff at first.. but those last pics are niiiice. <_<
by DanTails
16 Jan 2010, 21:05
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Weekly to Bi-Weekly Macro Girls Poser Pics 12.3.13
Replies: 203
Views: 14132

Re: Rules (Beta)

I'd consider it the equivalent of, say, using a canon couple's child, or a chao, or MAYBE Honey the Cat.

But if the character strongly alters the universe in such a way as a sentient emerald might simply by existing.. ask the almighty rulemaker.
by DanTails
13 Jan 2010, 03:40
Forum: MacroSonic RP
Topic: Rules (Beta)
Replies: 9
Views: 376

Re: You May Notice

Well, there's probably a ton of people who just sign up for an account just to see the pictures. Thankfully, it's not TOO hard to re sign up, just annoying...
by DanTails
02 Jan 2010, 04:40
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: You May Notice
Replies: 8
Views: 273

Re: Non-Live Chat

I am not very nice and understanding sometimes.

Sorry about that :<

Merry Christmas!
by DanTails
25 Dec 2009, 06:15
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Miscellaneous Chat (Previously known as Non-Live Chat)
Replies: 357
Views: 12414

Re: Halloween 2009

The easy way to fix it is to open it up in paint, select all, image -> Stretch/skew, make it smaller (like, 50%), then deselect and drag the corner of the main image to crop just to the pic.

Usually cuts the filesize way down.
by DanTails
01 Nov 2009, 16:36
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Halloween 2009
Replies: 4
Views: 178

Re: Reaching new heights

I am kinda curious..

Would Amy doing all that become Super Amy too? <.<

>.> Not that you have to. But blondes are hot. >_>
by DanTails
27 Oct 2009, 03:53
Forum: MacroSonic Stories
Topic: Reaching new heights
Replies: 57
Views: 2937

Re: help with adding images

It's an avatar :P

Also, using the gallary, I uploaded a bunch of random sexy screenshots I have. However, most of my good stuff's in my actual inventory. <_<
by DanTails
21 Oct 2009, 03:40
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: help with adding images
Replies: 8
Views: 410

Re: help with adding images

Eh, here and there. <.< Hanging at Sonic World Adventure for sonic stuff, but that particular area's private. X3

Also, whatcha names? I don't dedicate myself to a sim. friend me, Amelia Topaz, if you wanna chat. :P
by DanTails
19 Oct 2009, 01:49
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: help with adding images
Replies: 8
Views: 410

Re: help with adding images srsly; there's two different ways. If you want to upload it straight from your computer, you click "Upload Attachment" next to "Options" underneath your post. If the pic is already on the internet, you click "Img&...
by DanTails
18 Oct 2009, 21:09
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: help with adding images
Replies: 8
Views: 410

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