A big yaaaawwwwnnn is heard as Amy barely makes it out of her cabin. She was still in sleep mode, hunched over, eyes half open, her lithe body wearing redngreeen flannal PJs, as she mumbles lightly. "wutdaheckwasthat...." She was able to catch Sally before she left (Or didn't! If so, igno...
Well, there's probably a ton of people who just sign up for an account just to see the pictures. Thankfully, it's not TOO hard to re sign up, just annoying...
The easy way to fix it is to open it up in paint, select all, image -> Stretch/skew, make it smaller (like, 50%), then deselect and drag the corner of the main image to crop just to the pic.
http://brammofan.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/i-dunno-lol.jpg srsly; there's two different ways. If you want to upload it straight from your computer, you click "Upload Attachment" next to "Options" underneath your post. If the pic is already on the internet, you click "Img&...