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Happy B-Day dude!!
by Danund81
11 Oct 2006, 10:21
Forum: Happy Birthday Wishes
Topic: Hey Artie!....Am I correct in assuming its your Birthday?...
Replies: 11
Views: 2130

Ahhh, I see now. Well actualy this is more futuristic if you know what I mean. Amy is(or was, haven't kept track much of archie or SX) constantly chasing around Sonic, and though Sonic liked amy, he always avoided her every chance he got. So basicaly Amy's grown up quite a bit, and so has sonic. But...
by Danund81
11 Oct 2006, 07:13
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Danund has drawn something! Everyone to the shelters!!
Replies: 32
Views: 6837

...huh? Sorry I don't understand what you typed. >_<
by Danund81
10 Oct 2006, 22:39
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Danund has drawn something! Everyone to the shelters!!
Replies: 32
Views: 6837

Aaaannd the second one. I viewed sonic in the pictures as the sad, angry, angry little man that waited too long to pick up the soon to be hot chick. Shoulda been a little nicer Sonic! X3
by Danund81
09 Oct 2006, 21:55
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Danund has drawn something! Everyone to the shelters!!
Replies: 32
Views: 6837

Blah, a failed experiment of mine for introducing a reptile named "Danund" decided to keep myself as the Unseen artist for now. I made two drawings but gave up soon after.
by Danund81
09 Oct 2006, 21:49
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Danund has drawn something! Everyone to the shelters!!
Replies: 32
Views: 6837

Heheheh, A contest I say! The man to make the best banner for the forum wins!
by Danund81
08 Oct 2006, 15:00
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Forum Header/Title Images!
Replies: 50
Views: 5229

Here's an idea for you Joda! Ok, so you know how tail's tails spin? Stupid question. But what if they got caught in the eye of one of the macro characters?? I can here them saying something like "Ahh! My eye!" and like maybe knocking over a building doing it and then at the corner there a small cut ...
by Danund81
02 Jun 2006, 10:19
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: JodaGee's Request thing-a-ma-jig Thread topic :D
Replies: 188
Views: 54724

pretty good! Well drawn ^_^
by Danund81
25 Apr 2006, 10:44
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Kojiro's Corner nya ^_^
Replies: 24
Views: 2449

Woah! Chill Fido! I wasn't talking to you XD! I was just trying to give suggestions to Sonicrailin. And I was also sharing my past experiences with "Trouble Upstairs" This is also why I sometimes like to keep my thoughts to myself. Who knows what'll come out of the shadows and bite ya in the ass. (O...
by Danund81
24 Apr 2006, 21:34
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Ever have problems upstairs?
Replies: 13
Views: 1212

On a more serious note. If concentration is your problem you might want to get yourself checked out for ADHD for the attention deficit part of the disorder. There are tests to find out. If you do have it then you might want to look into a medicine (Yes, medicine ooooo Scary!) called Adderall XR. I'v...
by Danund81
24 Apr 2006, 19:12
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Ever have problems upstairs?
Replies: 13
Views: 1212

Hello all! I'm back with a new character that can fill all the desires and fantasies of man! XD ...okay, so replace "man" with "mine". Meet Honay the Honey bee, My own personal b****. No longer shall Amy suffer at the bottom of my signature. You'll see what she can do as I slowly crank out a series ...
by Danund81
17 Apr 2006, 15:08
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Danund has drawn something! Everyone to the shelters!!
Replies: 32
Views: 6837

Great works!!! I like them alot, and yes, please post background version!
by Danund81
13 Apr 2006, 03:34
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: LOL i forgot about this place nya ^_^
Replies: 9
Views: 1632

So yeah I've been pretty Brain Dead in terms of my usual passion for drawing. But yeah, I'm feeling a bit better and I'm just gonna pop out of hiding for a bit to show a generic cat girl with a dildo for no apparent reason save for the fact that I felt like it.
by Danund81
18 Mar 2006, 01:29
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Danund has drawn something! Everyone to the shelters!!
Replies: 32
Views: 6837

Great story, short and to the point!

Could use a little bit more description though.
by Danund81
14 Mar 2006, 19:32
Forum: MacroSonic Stories
Topic: free boobs
Replies: 13
Views: 2321

Here ya goes!

Weellll, I install a hard drive onto the PC and WHAM! Internet connection stops working, so I had to go and fix that. Anyways, now that I'm down complaining here's the drawing, I touched up on it a bit.
by Danund81
30 Jan 2006, 20:13
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Who else do you like?
Replies: 16
Views: 2200

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