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Ok..Ill chime in.

That last pic of Bunny is really nice. Nice expression on her face, and she has a couple of other nice attributes as well.

Excellent work, and keep drawing.
by Kasatka
13 Nov 2005, 08:20
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Guardianslades Macro work- new comic! 1-29-06!
Replies: 56
Views: 9746

Im not sure i know how to help you answer this question... It could be because your using Google, and since its quite popular...the "authorities" patroll it regularly and shut down sites that i think your looking for. just keep trying words you think are relevant, and maybe try different search engi...
by Kasatka
01 Nov 2005, 23:16
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: What else do you like?
Replies: 10
Views: 1141

No probs GSlades... :)

I am one for the long, sleek look to the female leg...butyour artwork is terriffic nonetheless.

Hmm..I ought to start practicing my drawing again...but i really suck at female anatomy..either that or im just rusty, lazy or a combination of both.
by Kasatka
31 Oct 2005, 22:44
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Guardianslades Macro work- new comic! 1-29-06!
Replies: 56
Views: 9746

Excellent artwork...

I dont mean to nitpick, but is it my imagination or are bunnies legs kinda chubby?

eh...nice work just the same. :D
by Kasatka
30 Oct 2005, 04:12
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Guardianslades Macro work- new comic! 1-29-06!
Replies: 56
Views: 9746


very nice.
by Kasatka
27 Oct 2005, 02:34
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Rob's stuff
Replies: 91
Views: 9463

Hey Artie!....Am I correct in assuming its your Birthday?...

If I am...

Heres wishing you a very happy B day.

If I am not...

*Waves hand all Jedi like...*

I was never here, you can go about your business...these are not the droids your looking long and prosper..oops..wait!..wrong line.
by Kasatka
11 Oct 2005, 05:07
Forum: Happy Birthday Wishes
Topic: Hey Artie!....Am I correct in assuming its your Birthday?...
Replies: 11
Views: 2130

Ok..I'll bite... I have a thing for cute cartoon girls. Always like them...dunno why. And as for Macro's..Well again..I like the cute girls. As for why..I probobly just weird. Or I still have too much of the chemicals from puberty still inside me. As for what else i like... I do like a lot...
by Kasatka
16 Sep 2005, 11:12
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Who else do you like?
Replies: 16
Views: 2200

Good to hear Kayona...

From what ive seen so have excellent drawing skills. Keep drawing, have talent.

Oh BTW...Keep drawing the cute stuff.


by Kasatka
25 Jul 2005, 10:59
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Question for Artie
Replies: 13
Views: 877

Ah the joys of being a resident Lurker.. Would love to contribute, but going through a bit of an artistic mental block that im trying to get rid of. I got so many hobbies its hard to keep track of them all. I draw, but Im not much of a Macro artist. But I do like looking at other peoples art. BTW so...
by Kasatka
17 Jun 2005, 10:13
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Hello? *echo*
Replies: 5
Views: 226

Can Kayonas work be posted here?

...or for that matter can you post more images of your avatar in "short" situations.

Strangly im facinated by the little guy...

ok weird sue me.
by Kasatka
03 Jun 2005, 01:16
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Question for Artie
Replies: 13
Views: 877

Question for Artie

Hi Artie... Nice site you have here. Got a question for ya... Did you you draw your own Avatar or did you have it custom made for you? Im assuming its your Avatar in Rouge's...*ahem* chest. Its a very cute image, I like cute. Lucky little fellow. :twisted: Thank you, and have a good one.
by Kasatka
02 Jun 2005, 20:15
Forum: MacroSonic Chat
Topic: Question for Artie
Replies: 13
Views: 877

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