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Re: GTS Requests, anyone?

How about Vanilla growing indoors and filling her house?
by TB Tabby
30 Jan 2014, 07:11
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: GTS Requests, anyone?
Replies: 19
Views: 742

Re: April 22 2013

Sucks. And I thought I had it bad with my septic tank overflowing. Hope you get better soon.
by TB Tabby
25 Apr 2013, 02:47
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: April 22 2013
Replies: 0
Views: 447

Re: It's been a while

How about showing them how they got shrunk in the first place, and/or trying to get big again instead of passively waiting around for someone to help them?
by TB Tabby
04 Apr 2013, 04:00
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: It's been a while
Replies: 7
Views: 912

Re: It's been a while

It certainly has. Most shrinking content around here is a sausage fest. Glad to see someone letting the ladies get small. But are you ever going to depict them doing anything other than looking fearfully at how big everything is? I'd like to see them doing some more interactions with their out-of-sc...
by TB Tabby
02 Apr 2013, 07:08
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: It's been a while
Replies: 7
Views: 912

Re: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff

Why are there two Creams?
by TB Tabby
27 Feb 2013, 14:21
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff
Replies: 88
Views: 6164

Re: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff

Wow, I didn't expect a sequence that long! I appreciate it, too. The anticipation makesit that much better. Very expressive, too.
by TB Tabby
24 Feb 2013, 17:50
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff
Replies: 88
Views: 6164

Re: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff

What can I say? She makes a good size-changing subject. Takes after her mother that way.
by TB Tabby
14 Jan 2013, 01:58
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff
Replies: 88
Views: 6164

Re: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff

Nice job on that growth. Too bad the Vanilla model isn't more expressive.

Could you do one of Cream drinking a potion that make her grow until she fills a room a la ALice in Wonderland?
by TB Tabby
08 Jan 2013, 12:37
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Fiona01's Gmod Stuff
Replies: 88
Views: 6164

Re: A new SW comic

Aww, poor things.
by TB Tabby
24 Oct 2012, 20:45
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: A new SW comic
Replies: 7
Views: 642

Re: My works (merged with 2 other topic)

Nice, nice! I'm glad to have another female shrinking aficionado around here.
by TB Tabby
21 Oct 2012, 03:48
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: My works (merged with 2 other topic)
Replies: 10
Views: 452

Re: Coffeecup's Art

How's this scenario: Cream is exploring a house when she finds a cookie with "Eat Me" written on it. When she eats it, she starts growing until she fills the house.
by TB Tabby
22 Sep 2012, 06:00
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Coffeecup's Art
Replies: 100
Views: 5939

Re: Abrr2000's pics

"Put on your helmet."
by TB Tabby
09 Aug 2011, 05:40
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Abrr2000's pics
Replies: 64
Views: 9128

Tiny Vanilla Commission ... -195396810

Just stumbled across this on DA. No process, but well-drawn and colored.
by TB Tabby
30 Jan 2011, 02:34
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: Tiny Vanilla Commission
Replies: 5
Views: 631

Re: General Art Requests

Would anybody consider drawing Cream in an Alice in Wonderland-type size change scenario?
by TB Tabby
28 Jan 2011, 04:39
Forum: MacroSonic Pictures/Artwork
Topic: General Art Requests
Replies: 182
Views: 15077

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